The world of sadomasochism fascinates more and more an ever wider audience. We are strong with various accessories suitable for experts in the sector but also for beginners. BDSM and Sadomaso are fantastic sets of hidden pleasures with a highly erotic charge, where transgression and intense sensations are the masters. Those who practice sadomasochistic sex must absolutely have the toys that you find in this section, very accurate and supplied only with articles from the best brands. So give free rein to your fantasies and cultivate new ones by browsing this section of our catalog!

BDSM and Bondage objects for your sexual practices ..
In this section you will find more specific and sophisticated products for experts in the trade, but also simple accessories that can be used by couples who want to spice up their sexual relations. In fact, thanks to the famous film and novel “50 Shades of Gray“, in recent times this practice is used by many more people, as it has made it clear that there are different levels of BDSM and Bondage and that, for example, tie the partner’s wrists or feet to bed with cute plush handcuffs can only make the sexual act more exciting, and it is certainly not harmful to health or an extreme act.
Bondage: not just sex
For those who do bondage, sex is only part of the whole: this discipline is based on the concepts of bond, first physical and then spiritual, and of trust, or intentional submission to the partner. It is a form of art that does not degrade, but rather ennobles the sexual act, introducing a whole universe of psychological references and implications that only penetration completely excludes. Submission consists mainly of tying the partner’s hands and feet together or to the sides of a bed or chair with handcuffs (rarely steel), ribbons, bands, cuffs and bondage cords. According to a recent survey, bondage has been experienced at least once by about 64% of Italian women. Do you want to join the club too? Visit our sexyshop
Types of bondage: practices
Depending on the parts of the body involved, the tools used and the binding technique, bondage can be divided into: soft bondage mummification bondage, hair bondage. If you are confused, try listening to erotic BDSM stories to stimulate your imagination and get inspired!
Bondage and BDSM: practices for everyone
If you’ve never tried bondage, start exploring this section of our sex shop dedicated to bondage.
Bondage: an ancient art
Bondage is a centuries-old art that draws on Japanese shibari
Showing 1–21 of 86 results